Annie is a designer who grew up drawing, fell in love with branding, ventured into data visualization, and now bridges all her skills through crafting visuals that tell a story ... -> 

Select Projects:

➊ Blooming Orchidaceaes
➋ Ours: A Third Place
➌ Sake.AI
All About Tinned Fish
➎ Toyota Crown AR
Breathscape Kit
We Own NYC

I also illustrateand edit videos

We Own NYC

Game Design | p5.js |
Designed and Developed by 
Steph, Fern, and Annie

Play the Game
Press Kit

The game is developed by Steph, Fern, and Annie, collectively known as Stefernnie. We design intuitive and fun multiplayer games that you would want to play with your friends! 

Inspired by our love-hate relationship with the city and its rats, We Own NYC brings players together as rats passing a timer bomb, risk it all for rewards like pizza, cheese, money, donuts, and more! 

We definitely had a blast prototyping, play testing, and eventually publishing the game, so hit up your friends and press play!
